A Day in A Chemical Ship

Being in a country that is covered by water, it is inevitable that I would be surrounded with things that float on water. I progressed from just looking at yatchs and ships with its beautiful interiors and equipments to sitting on one to head to an island in the vicinity of Singapore called Sarringit island and now I have gotten the opportunity to climb onto a cargo/chemical ship in the docks of Tuas and even chat with the captain of the ship. Feeling like an ant going into the city with tall skyscrapers, I was enthralled by the monstrosity of it all.
In order to get into the ship, I has to climb what felt like 5 flights of stairs up and another 5 down as there was no direct staircase up to the ship. What happened was I had to go underground through the platforms that connects land to the ship thus why the stairs go up and down. I felt like I was a character in movies like Alien in which Sigourney Weaver runs through dark alleys up and down fleet of stairs in a very undrrground tormented place. There are no signboards telling me where to go and it is illogical to use logical thinking to navigate myself through the never ending staircases. Sights of sunlight peeking through the holes after climbing so many stairs (see picture!) gave me a sense of relief knowing that I am finally near the entrance of the ship. entering the ship was a pleasnt experience as it felt like familiar grounds with bedrooms, a dining room and offices in the captain's cabin. I was also brought to the top of the ship where I get to see the navigational compass, periscopes, GPS equipments, mapping devices and satellite communications tools. It was amazing to see how the devices caught a distress signal from something nearby giving the coordinates (latitudes and longitudes) where the signal came from.
Chatting with the people on the ship gave me a sense of their livelihood, how they had to wor continuously on a ship for 4 months and get back on land to rest for another 4 months. For those who think that wow! That is a long time to take leave, just think u could not see your family or lead a normal life for 4 whole mths, thus making the time of 4 mthsof being normal actually pretty short. Some choose to work longer than the 4 mths on ship resulting in them turning slightly crazy for not being able to be 'normal'.
I got down the ship as the sun bid farewell to the world, illuminating a silhoutte of pink lights onto the ships. The night skyline looked amazing from the top of the ships as now the views of the lights from the ship against the dark navy blue skies is far closer than ever before. I was breathless so much so I wanted to take more photos but it is not allowed on the ship.
Nevertheless, I was glad I got down and dirty going into the ship. If there is a life I can swap for a week, whose life would it be? Now I have the answer. Maybe next, I would swap a weekend with an astronaut or oil digger. ;)
In order to get into the ship, I has to climb what felt like 5 flights of stairs up and another 5 down as there was no direct staircase up to the ship. What happened was I had to go underground through the platforms that connects land to the ship thus why the stairs go up and down. I felt like I was a character in movies like Alien in which Sigourney Weaver runs through dark alleys up and down fleet of stairs in a very undrrground tormented place. There are no signboards telling me where to go and it is illogical to use logical thinking to navigate myself through the never ending staircases. Sights of sunlight peeking through the holes after climbing so many stairs (see picture!) gave me a sense of relief knowing that I am finally near the entrance of the ship. entering the ship was a pleasnt experience as it felt like familiar grounds with bedrooms, a dining room and offices in the captain's cabin. I was also brought to the top of the ship where I get to see the navigational compass, periscopes, GPS equipments, mapping devices and satellite communications tools. It was amazing to see how the devices caught a distress signal from something nearby giving the coordinates (latitudes and longitudes) where the signal came from.
Chatting with the people on the ship gave me a sense of their livelihood, how they had to wor continuously on a ship for 4 months and get back on land to rest for another 4 months. For those who think that wow! That is a long time to take leave, just think u could not see your family or lead a normal life for 4 whole mths, thus making the time of 4 mthsof being normal actually pretty short. Some choose to work longer than the 4 mths on ship resulting in them turning slightly crazy for not being able to be 'normal'.
I got down the ship as the sun bid farewell to the world, illuminating a silhoutte of pink lights onto the ships. The night skyline looked amazing from the top of the ships as now the views of the lights from the ship against the dark navy blue skies is far closer than ever before. I was breathless so much so I wanted to take more photos but it is not allowed on the ship.
Nevertheless, I was glad I got down and dirty going into the ship. If there is a life I can swap for a week, whose life would it be? Now I have the answer. Maybe next, I would swap a weekend with an astronaut or oil digger. ;)
0 Bowed to the princess
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