Fortis Heroes Search 2008

What makes a hero? According to Fortis Watch, the world reknowned watch which has launched astronauts into space and divers into the deepest sea waters any human has ever gone, a hero is someone who scaled great heights, someone who is courageous, authentic, inspirational and go beyond their boundaries for the benefit of others. These selfless acts have garnered five Singaporeans from five different professions and industries to win the Fortis Heroes Award 2008. The award event was held in Helipad, a new bar on the top of Central Shopping Centre. There really is a helipad on the top where people can sit and wine in the open air overlooking Clarke Quay.

The winners consist of a serial entrepreneur who contribute immensely to the advancement of the enterprise in Singapore as a means to lift people out from poverty - Nicholas Chan , a lecturer who raised up to his plates to help victims of Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, - A/Prof Ng Yee Kong a photographer who used his impeccable photography skills to capture photos that is used for donations and to showcase plights to the world - Stefen Chow, a lady who built a now well-known retail empire in Singapore called 77th Street which has expanded to China - Elim Chew and last but not least a phelephegic who conquered his disabilities to run a marathon on his wheelchair across 7 continents to raise donations for the needy - Dr William Tan. These figures were monumental beyond words and has indeed become an inspiration to everyone in the award ceremony and soon the world. It was heartening to hear stories of how the photographer, Stefen Chow, while climbing Mount Everest took a photo of an avalanche seconds before he could have been covered by it. It was even more touching to hear the story of Dr William Tan who participated in the marathon across 7 continents and pushed himself so far to complete the race that the skins on his hands and fingers peeled and bled durnig the race.

Nominating my hero as a Fortis hero has given me my award. Hearing his name announced as a hero and seeing the sparkle in his eyes when the prestigious B-42 Flieger Chronograph watch was handed to him was jubilation enough for me. At least I now know that my hero is now a world-reknowned hero and that his contributions will be made known to the society.
Fortis watch has started a fund to support people in the aviation and aerospace who will make a difference in society in collaboration with National Technology University (NTU) of Singapore. With these kind of awards, Fortis has proven itself as being committed to contribute back to the society.
My most memorable quotes from the Fortis Heroes:

"Mountains bring out the best and worst in people. By scaling a mountain this high and going through all the obstacles so unimaginable including an avalance that almost drown me and to come out alive is indeed a humbling experience." - Stefen Chow
"I do not consider myself a hero. I am MAD - Make A Difference" - Dr William Tan
"The secret of my success is my people. Everyone is given the same opportunities. The only difference with me is I make great use of it." - Elim Chew
0 Bowed to the princess
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