Combating With The Best
Gym was my erstwhile companion since 1 and a half years ago, providing me with the pleasure of consuming as many 100 plus as I like, poring sweat on the not so clean work-out equipments, absorbing the hydrating air in the steam room or choking myself in the heated sauna room. Haven't been to the gym from the past 3 months, I felt like my body just came out of a box after going through an ardous 1-hour body combat class. The class was made more worth while when I came out sweating and aching at certain parts of my body.
When the body combat instructor first came in, my first thought was that she was a new amateur Chinese-educated teacher going through her first few clases. Boy, was I wrong! Proved that you can never judge a book by its cover. Garbed in a bikini style top and very hip hipsters, she started off well, greeting us with a flashingly blinding smile. I was hooked from the start. Half-way through the class, I found myself suprisingly stroking every movements, kicks and punches included as hard and precise as I possibly can, accompanied with shouts and screams prompted by the intensity of the instructor. She bore an uncanny feistiness beyond her small frame and her extreme energy gave us all the needed jolt to get out of our lazy frame of mind into a I-can-do-it-all attitude. I ralated this to something I just read. That to be able to influence and inspire, you need to be the best that you can be in the right field. Add a pinch of passion and you are on your way to success. For a small responsibility of teaching a small group of karate kid wannabe, she displayed enermous passion and power. She fully inspired me to have a body like hers with killer curves even down to the amazing tatoo insribed around her right hip.
I learnt and gained a lot from a small session in Fitness First, just like what their tagline says: "Be Yourself, Only Better"! Will I ever leave Fitness First? Well, that will be a question you have to ask my friends who labelled me fitness freak. :)
2 Bowed to the princess
At 9:13 AM,
neil said…
Do I expect to see muscles the next time I see you?
At 8:25 PM,
princessE said…
I hope to see some now but still cannot find any :(
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