My Favorite Valentine TV Series

To commemorate Valentines Day on 14 February, I digged out an old but memorable romantic TV series that I used to enjoy watching not only for its eye-candy casts but also terrific scripts: Jack & Jill. I love the tension between Jack (the female lead - stands for Jacqueline "Jack" Barrett played by Amanda Peet) and Jill (the male lead - stands for David "Jill" Jillefsky played by Ivan Sergei) before they fell in love to the episodes when they got together but still had tensions and fiery off-and-on relationship just to realise that they were meant to be together. It is a story about the lives of 6 singles living frugally under one roof, falling in love with one another and living out their big city dreams.
The love story between Jack & Jill is about how 2 opposites attract: Jill being the laid-back, spontaneous, not organised but fun guy who got attracted to Jack: the meticulous, perfectionist, I-like-my-life-the-way-I-want-it but emotionally vulnerable female who unexpectedly finds herself falling for Jill as well. It was fun to watch the antics of these 2 casts arguing over the smallest things and then realise how silly they are when they got back together again due to the power of their love for each other. To me, the series were pretty realistic based on their themes and love affairs. And it never hurts to gaze into the piercing eyes of Simon Rex who played Mikey, the playboy and admire the tall and amazing physique of Ivan Sergei who played Jill.
0 Bowed to the princess
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