My Weding Registration - The First Day

It's the first day to the rest of my life, and I have never been happier. It's funny how I spent so many years of my life determining if he is my Mr. Right only to be so sure on this day.
Just a few days ago, someone congratulated me and asked me this question: How did you know that he is the right one for you? I just knew. But it isn't a smooth journey. All the trials and tribulations strengthens our relationship and makes me realise that he is the one I can't live without. Everyone who knows our relationship knows that we have gone through everything from parents' disagreements to long distance relationship to third parti(es). Besides, it is not who is right for you, it is who makes it right for you.

The day of our registration was incredibly smooth with all our friends, families and relatives arriving punctually for the 9.30am solemnization in Thean Hou temple. I was ecstatic to see all my friends being so supportive and to have so many photographers snapping photos of us and the guests. The dashing groom in white shirt and bronze tie arrived with a charming bouquet of orange colored roses (one of my favorite colors which I did not tell him) and kneeled when handing the roses to me :) 28th February 2009 witnessed the gathering of 98 couples in total in this temple. The couples and relatives crowded the registration hall creating a collage of white dresses and black ties. After the registration that took our oath to be together through sickness and health, poverty and wealth, etc (which I could not understand as it was read in Mandarin, haha), we proceeded to the temple for a photography session. As I was walking out, I heard a raging bride shouting into the phone waiting for her groom. As she put down the phone, she said "He is not coming" and stormed off with her bridesmaids in tow, just lkie the scene out of 'Sex and the City'. I never expected real life to imitate reel life.
The day was memorable and fun and it was made so much more significant to have friends and relatives who initially could not make it turning up for the event anyway, like my brother from Australia and my sister from Hong Kong. Everyone descended for lunch and then his house for more entertainment. You can see the photos here.
Below is one of my favorite wedding photograph of Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle. It captured the essence of what a wedding is all about, the last part where both the couple are just too exhausted after the whole ceremony to care about anything in the world but themselves. A day well spent!

Just a few days ago, someone congratulated me and asked me this question: How did you know that he is the right one for you? I just knew. But it isn't a smooth journey. All the trials and tribulations strengthens our relationship and makes me realise that he is the one I can't live without. Everyone who knows our relationship knows that we have gone through everything from parents' disagreements to long distance relationship to third parti(es). Besides, it is not who is right for you, it is who makes it right for you.

The day of our registration was incredibly smooth with all our friends, families and relatives arriving punctually for the 9.30am solemnization in Thean Hou temple. I was ecstatic to see all my friends being so supportive and to have so many photographers snapping photos of us and the guests. The dashing groom in white shirt and bronze tie arrived with a charming bouquet of orange colored roses (one of my favorite colors which I did not tell him) and kneeled when handing the roses to me :) 28th February 2009 witnessed the gathering of 98 couples in total in this temple. The couples and relatives crowded the registration hall creating a collage of white dresses and black ties. After the registration that took our oath to be together through sickness and health, poverty and wealth, etc (which I could not understand as it was read in Mandarin, haha), we proceeded to the temple for a photography session. As I was walking out, I heard a raging bride shouting into the phone waiting for her groom. As she put down the phone, she said "He is not coming" and stormed off with her bridesmaids in tow, just lkie the scene out of 'Sex and the City'. I never expected real life to imitate reel life.
The day was memorable and fun and it was made so much more significant to have friends and relatives who initially could not make it turning up for the event anyway, like my brother from Australia and my sister from Hong Kong. Everyone descended for lunch and then his house for more entertainment. You can see the photos here.
Below is one of my favorite wedding photograph of Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle. It captured the essence of what a wedding is all about, the last part where both the couple are just too exhausted after the whole ceremony to care about anything in the world but themselves. A day well spent!

5 Bowed to the princess
At 5:09 PM,
neil said…
I am so happy for you! Congrats! :)
At 9:59 AM,
princessE said…
Thanks. Invitation to my wedding dinner coming soon :)
At 11:40 PM,
amelyn said…
Congratulations, Emily Ng GM!!! :)
At 5:28 PM,
Nee Sern said…
Congratulations Princess :)
At 4:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Pricess?! it looks like pricess?
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