Shhh! Secret Life of a Princess

Random, provoking thoughts from a self-confessed princess :: with focus on motivational learnings from the media. I hope to inspire everyone to be the best they can be

Monday, July 10, 2006

Italy won World Cup 2006!

For the World Cup 2002, we supported Italy. When they lost, disappointed but not deterred, we walked away with hopes that there will be other opportunities. 4 years later, Italy won the World Cup 2006! And till this year, I & my boyfriend held our belief and unknowingly supported the same team. We did not know until after the match when we both reported how happy we were that Italy won and that is when I felt a sense of harmony with him. That despite all adversities, we still hang on to what we loyally believe in.

My friend beside me was betting with her bf as they were supporting different teams and however entertaining it was to see them banter in a friendly manner, I would not hope to be at odd ends with my partner. I would never dream of taking my bf’s money even if I won. Maybe if we bet on something else, I would not mind. But as a couple, we work together to increase our funds which I hope will grow enormously for our family n children one day. Yep, small challenges like betting with each other make relationships exciting but big compromises and harmony like ours, I hope will make relationships last.

So, for making it all happen, Italy for my honeymoon? Right now, I can only dream. ;)

2 Bowed to the princess

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