My Cool Little Start-Up

I am talking about my own venture, a project I am doing on a part-time basis. The pet project is called LocAsian - a location based platform I am building with a team of incredibly intelligent Singaporeans, and I am proud to be part of this dynamic team. We are providing an underlying technology that marries a hybrid of location based technology to enable various applications plug into our system for location identification - allowing you to be able to identify the location of your users wherever they are, whenever they want and whoever they want to track.
What I bring to the table is my vast experience and knowledge in the mobile industry plus the connections and the rest of the team consists of technology developers to marketers, branding consultants, strategic thinkers and fund managers. True that I have not gone through the nitty gritty of selling this product to venture capitalists but I will and that is where the challenge will come in.
I was given a booth in the Microfunding Launch under Media Development Authority (MDA) in MICA building where all start-ups that are potentially being incubated are placed in various booths to explain their product to willing investors and users. I was excited about the prospect of having my own little space and was glad that the crowd was very kind and receptive. They asked questions ranging from how does the technology work to how are you differentiating yourself from the other providers to how do you make a user wants to use it? I convinced so many people without divulging too much information as my competitor was also in the same area. I was so proud of myself when I got a few important people who expressed interest to know more on the product and to collaborate. Talk about the power of bullshit. :P
I will not disclose so much as the product is not even launched or released yet. I am not sure how this will pan but I will give my all. All I am saying is just like how I did not expect to be able to afford my first dream car before the age of 30, I also did not expect this to happen at this speed. I have so much more to do now but so much more excited about life. So, while some people are planning for marriage and having babies at this age of mine, my sense of achievement and satisfaction comes from something altogether different, but satisfying anyhow. Contact me if you wanna know more or seek areas of collaboration. :)
Labels: Achievements, Start-up, Technology