Portal to Another World
As for me, I miss those days when I experience my out of world adventures by reading story books like Enid Blyton's The Enchanted Tree and many more! Today, as life gets harder with more responsibilities and decisions to make, every once in a while, I treasure those times when I can get away and escape from the harsh realities of life for a while. And that is why my column here talks about the few things that is a portal to a didfferent world for me:

1. Reading - reading magical books like Harry Potter does it for me and for so many kids all over the world. The story brings you to a different land and you feel like you are part of the charactcers, experiencing all the magical things that happens in the school of witchry. Reading story books from Enid Blyton flies me to a world I have never knew existed and I remembered the anticipation I felt when I felt the same suspense the characters in the book felt when they were climbing up the enchanted tree not knowing which land they will land on and if they will meet good or bad characters. They were truly characters I laughed and cried with.
2. Water - Water is an element of escape for me. Whenever I am in water, I feel like my whole body loosens and I feel energised. I just went to Kota Tinggi waterfalls last Sat and found for the first time the ability to feel like I am in a different dimension of the world when I am right under the waterfalls, running water splashing onto my body, my arms held upright like an eagle, getting hit by the strong torrents of the waters. I felt almost godlike, like I was flying even though I was right under some waters. No wonder people like going to waterfalls.
3. TV Series - For that one hour, I felt connected with the characters and felt like I live their life and spoke their words. TV Series like Grey's Anatomy, Sex and the City, Cashmere Mafia does it for me that sometimes I forgot that I have a different life as I connected with the characters and stories so much. I sometimes wish I could rewind the show and relive the show over and over again, avoiding my real life. It’s amazing how they know what I wanted to hear after going through a rough day especially with quotes spoken so meticulously it touched my heart and soul.
4. Movies - Movies as I mentioned above from Never Ending Story to Narnia to Harry Potter and even Stardust never fail to transport me to a different world. You have to watch these movies in the cinema to get the full effect of being teleported to a different dimension where the surround sound envelopes you giving you the same ambience as the movie. I still remember when I was young, when I watched Never Ending Story, I remember flying across the skies on the huge dog, is it called Urgl together with the protagonist and I didn’t even realise it until the dog landed on ground.
5. Comics - There is a reason comics sell so well from kiddy comics like Calvin and Hobbes to superheros like Superman, Batman, Fantastic Four and countless more. Reason why the remake of these comics into movies sell so well to as they bring u into a world where u will never imagine going and interacting with characters u will never see in real life. It will be funny to see a human dressed like Penguin or the Joker in real life and not laugh or say anything about it. Now, I am waiting for my ever favorite comic,Calvin and Hobbes to appear on movie screens and be reminded of how young and guilable I can be again ;)