My Honeymoon in Eastern Europe
This is a blog I have been procrastinating to write for a long time. But here it is finally. My honeymoon in end 2009, the end of a beautiful string of events that led to the wedding and the beginning of a life together as husband and wife. And we chose Europe simply for the fact that we both love to see sceneries and beautiful architecture rather than lounging by the beach getting a tan or going to crowded cities to shop which we already do every other weekend anyway.
So, Eastern Europe we decided and the countries we chose are Germany (Munich, Nuremberg, Rotternburg), Austria (Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck), Prague in Chech Republic and Budapest in Hungary. Quite simply, we were awed by the mesmerizing words depicting how postcard perfect the sceneries in those countries are and the wonderfully lighted Christmas markets that don all parts of the countries we visited. So, we braved ourselves to go through the snow and below zero degree temperature just to spend 14 days without any work, relatives or friends around us in a relatively foreign land. And boy, were we not disappointed by our choices. So, to make things simple, below are the elements that made our honeymoon. As they say, pictures paint a thousand words.

All varieties of breads you can ever imagine and never thought could have existed

Gothic, barouque and gorgeous churches that all looked the same after 10 churches

Decadent palaces full of histories of their inhabitants

Amazingly gorgeous and grandeur palaces

The real story of The Sound of Music in Salzburg

The must see classical music by Mozart and Bach in Salzburg

Beautifully, endless lighted streets in Vienna

The magical Crystal World of Swarovski in Innsbruck

Quirky statues that line the streets and people in Bratisclava

Christmas carols on Christmas Eve performed from the Golden Roof in Innsbruck

Christmas markets with all varieties of bratswurtz, wooden decos and chocolate coated everything!

Snow, snow and more snow!