Land of the kiasu, a FINE country, they call it. And I am here now, stepping on this land which I presume will give me richness in finance and in knowledge, or so I thought. Well, we will see.
To start off, I could really commend Singaporeans with their courtesy and politeness. Nowhere will you find guys who let you go on the bus first and strangers talking to you on streets except for Australia. Hey, I have not been to other countries, so dun blame me for the lack of knowledge ok!
Anyway, I arrived here with ambivalence. An uneasy feeling of leaving home and especially being here alone with little friends and relatives. An exhilarating feeling of stepping into the territories of the unknown and exploring new places and opportunities. A missing feeling of all my colleagues in Maxis and friends in Malaysia who have made me feel like a queen before I left. An excited feeling of the career options (cross my fingers) that lay ahead of me now that I have taken this step. Well, imagine this mix of feeling especially when my bf left me alone in my room and I stared at the walls of my room, wondering “What have I gotten myself into?!!!!” Why did I leave a comfortable company with benefits and good project opportunities for this?!!!! Anyway, I had to be strong, I made this decision and I will stick with it. Regardless of the consequences, I gotta take it like a woman (as women are stronger and more aggressive nowadays)!
My new office is not bad. At least I know things can be done fast with fewer forms to. Just grab your stationaries and you are ready to go. I was introduced to the CIO on the first day and the rest of the IT managers. Here in Sg, I love the fact that I will pay cheaper for branded goods like Haagen Dazs and Giordano. I like the fact that there are sufficient facilities like gym, pilate classes and swimming pool that charges only SGD1.50 per entry and food stalls that charges only SGD2.50 for a bowl of noodle. And best of all, free Wi-Fi EVERYWHERE! Yipeee! Wait till the shopping season and I will tell you more.
However, what I gained the most from being here is the fact that I learn to appreciate again what I have taken for granted. The comfort of being at home with tv sets blaring into the wee hours of the morning, the luxury of knowing that dinner will be served every night, the security of being in a country that you alr know how to get around but most of all it made me appreciate people I am closest to in Malaysia, from my family members to my loving boyfriend to my truest friends in Malaysia. I have forgotten how warm it must have felt to have people around who I can turn to anytime. Most improtant of all, it made me see my boyfriend again in a different light, a truly caring and compassionate one who will always put me first no matter what. While the toast is still warm, absense makes the heart grow fonder. :)